# 180: The DJBC Transit Happy Hour

Cover (front)

Tonight on the show, The DJBC talks about the COTA Transit System Review, what is it, and what to expect. Plus, other happenings at COTA:
- The COTA AirConnect Line - which connects all of the Downtown Hotels to Port Columbus (launched May 2, 2016)
- Real-Time Tracking App for COTA (launches May 6, 2016)
- Levy Renewal on November Ballot
- Bus Rapid Transit on Cleveland Avenue from Downtown to Westerville (Coming January 2018!)

MORPC Commuter Challenge: http://morpc.org/commuterchallenge (June 1-30, 2016)
DJBC AfterHours: http://djbcadventures.tumblr.com/post/143770906949/the-djbc-afterhours-t...
Youth Beat Radio - "Get On The Bus": http://wcrsfm.org/content/get-bus-june-22-2015
Transit System Review: http://www.cota.com/TSR

"Double Dutch Bus" - Frankie Smith
"The Magic Bus" - The Who
"Trains and Boats and Planes" - Burt Bacharach
"Little Red Corvette" - Prince (RIP)
"The Trolley Song" - Judy Garland