# 263 - Christmas in July with Holiday Songs from the 1990s

- Artist: The DJBC Happy Hour
- Title: # 263 - Christmas In July: '90s Holiday Music
- Album: WCRS Podcast - djbc
- Genre: Holiday
- Year: 2018
- Length: 58:43 minutes (53.75 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Tonight, it's Christmas in July from the 1990s, with holiday songs from the 1990s.
Top Selling '90s Holiday Toys: https://www.stitchlabs.com/blog/top-selling-holiday-toys-from-the-90s/
'90s Christmas Pop Culture: https://www.popsugar.com/love/90s-Christmas-Pop-Culture-26073132
Buzzfeed's Christmas in the 1990s: https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/32-reasons-why-christmas-was-bette...
1990s Christmas Movies: http://www.inthe90s.com/generated/xmasfilms.shtml
Best 1990s Holiday Movies: https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Best-90s-Christmas-Movies-42799209