Networking 106: The Power of Social Media (DJBC Happy Hour Classic)

- Artist: The DJBC Happy Hour
- Title: Networking 106: The Power of Social Media (The DJBC Happy Hour Classic)
- Album: WCRS Podcast - djbc
- Genre: Podcast
- Year: 2013
- Topic: social media, facebook, tumblr, twitter, linkedin
- Length: 58:21 minutes (53.42 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Tonight on the show (originally broadcast on November 18, 2013), Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr (with a "how-to" on using the blogging site), and LinkedIn are discussed, and Raff Romanowski & Chelsea Waters (of the Entertainment show "Coming Soon") talk about Hashtags.
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