Welcome to.... "The Ladies Room"

"The Ladies Room" is your home for inspiration, motivation and entertainment.

Each week, hosts Nikki Ransom & Miss Evita will discuss topics that affect today's minority woman. Issues like love & relationships, budgeting & finance, parenting, domestic violence, and much more will be discussed in-depth to help enlighten and educate listeners by opening their ears, eyes, minds, and souls.

The Ladies Room Radio


About the hosts:

Nikki Ransom
Nikki Ransom is an innovator, a trailblazer, a brilliant entrepreneur and has dedicated her life to the empowerment and enhancement of women. She is an author, radio personality, motivational speaker, Certified Life and Intimacy Coach, as well as the Chief Executive Officer of Ransom Media Publishing and LoversEd, LLC.

The Ladies Room Radio
Miss Evita is a health advocate, freelance model, and former celebrity & entertainment news blogger. Ever since she was a young child, Evita has always been very outspoken and opinionated- so be ready to always expect the unexpected from this co-host!

Talk of the Town - Harvest Festival

60:41 minutes (55.56 MB)

Tiredofrepeats?!?!? Wantthatfreshstuff?

Come get that new The Fatbeard Radio Programme tonight at 10pm. Your parents won't understand. You need it. Come and get it. Cretin!

Fight Back 09202011

29:53 minutes (27.35 MB)

Bob Fitrakis and Connie Gadell Newton interview Erin Upchurch on a leadership program from GLBTQ youth

You've convinced me... Now go out and make me do it.

4:55 minutes (4.51 MB)

Ellen Baumgarter

The quote is apocryphal, but Ellen Baumgartner is a local activist who is holding on to the "make-me-do-it" method for getting Obama to deliver at least some of the changes he promised during his campaign in '08. A couple of weeks after being jailed for civil disobedience in protest against the Keystone XL tars sands pipeline, Baumgartner said she supports Obama's reelection.

"I believe in Obama. I think he has had tremendous challenges. But he has done a number of good things. People are expecting too much of him, because he has inherited a mess. Now, with the Congress being so antagonistic and determined to not give him anything that he wants, it's very discouraging. However, if the choice is between Obama and a Republican of the ilk we have been seeing, it's Obama hands-down."

In late August police arrested more than 1200 people near the White House. Protestors took part in civil disobedience against Keystone XL. It was part of a two-week long effort to send a message to Obama and the rest of our country.

The proposed pipeline would carry tar sands oil from Canada to Texas where it would be refined and sent to other countries. The project has united many environmentalists and human rights activists who say tar sands oil extraction violates the land rights of indigenous people in Canada and exacerbates climate change.

"We should let him (Obama) know what his supporters want him to do... He has the power to say no (to Keystone XL). He doesn't need Congress to approve of his decision."

Rev. Kujenga Eliyah Ashe on building a mass movement

13:35 minutes (12.44 MB)

Rev. Kujenga Eliyah Ashe and K. Lanai Ashe.
Rev. Kujenga Eliyah Ashe and K. Lanai Ashe near the Fort Hayes High School where President Obama spoke during his visit to Columbus to highlight his jobs plan

Ashe is the executive director of Community Organization for Abundant Life COAL I asked him what he thought of the environmental movement.

"The Earth is being raped by multinational corporations. They're polluting the Earth. Instead of using the solar power and wind power that they could be using...they're using fossil fuels. They're doing that because there's so much profit in it."

Ashe said he and fellow activists are pushing for an economic rights movement.

"The civil rights movement which Dr. King led has done great things. We even have a president w/ brown skin. So his dream has come true in terms of civil rights. But Dr. King, before he was killed, was starting to push for economics. He was boycotting different corporations and was planning a poor people's march on Washington, just like up in Chicago. They still have the Poor People's Campaign headed by Jerry Robinson."

Ashe said an economic rights movement lends itself to being broadly inclusive.

"The Civil Rights Movement helped all people-- black, white, red, yellow, gays, women. Everybody piggybacked on the Civil Rights Movement. Now we have our civil rights. We can vote. We have the franchise and (Black) mayors, congresspeople, senators, and even the president of the United States...Now we need our economic rights."

Ashe said the first program of that economic rights movement is repatriation and reparations for all descendants of slavery.

How can the mostly white middle class environmental movement engage w/ Black & low-income communities ?

6:57 minutes (6.36 MB)

Kimberly Jackson Morris & Jamira Jamison
Kimberly Jackson Morris & Jamira Jamison


Morris and I spoke during President Obama's visit to Columbus on Sept 13. Most of the protestors who had been there to tell Obama to not approve the Keystone XL Pipeline project had left. Keystone XL would carry tar sands oil from Canada to Texas where it would be refined and shipped to other countries.

There were no people of color in the protest, though a Black elder sat nearby on a lawn chair so as to stay in the shade during the hot September day.

Morris said the under-representation of people of color in the environmental movement is a case in point on the importance of education.

"We're not educated on those facts...When you go into lower economic areas, there's no one standing there giving us information about a pipeline."

Morris said white middle class, environmental activists should spend time in Black and low-income parts of town.

"Go into those communities and talk to people. There are people who aren't too busy to listen. But the information isn't there. Do you go into these communities and speak w/ people about these things that you're protesting ? I'm talking about urban communities."

Morris said standing in the streets holding signs won't necessarily engage people who aren't currently involved with environmental and other causes.

The DJBC Happy Hour- Detroit Upset City: Emmy Is Most Definitely Eclectic (Part 2 of 2)

50:55 minutes (46.61 MB)

In tonight's packed show, Bryan recaps the Emmy Awards.
- Upsets (There were a lot of them from all three Lead Actor races, to Best Miniseries or Movie)
- Milestone by Mad Men
- Who Won the Most Emmys

Also, the Weekend Warrior discusses things going on around Columbus this week.

http://djbcadventures.tumblr.com- The DJBC Happy Hour Blog
http://bryansilvergarbageawards.blogspot.com/2011/09/live-blogging-of-em... BC's Real-Time Emmy Updates

Ladies Room

mostly talk
is not currently scheduled.
Ladies Room

Ladies Room - Domestic Violence show 2

56:32 minutes (51.76 MB)

The World Party - Show 59 (September 20, 2011)

58:38 minutes (80.52 MB)

Click on the "play" button below to hear the show!



The World Party features energetic and eclectic dance and party music from all corners of the globe!

  • Show 59 originally aired on September 20, 2011.

  • Show 59 features international dance and party music originating from the USA, Guadeloupe, Germany, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Ivory Coast, and Trinidad and Tabago just to name a few!  Join us as we listen to current party music played on pop radio stations all over the world!

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