# 337 - This Summer's Going to Hurt Like...

- Artist: The DJBC Social Distancing Happy Hour
- Title: # 337 - This Summer's Going to Hurt Like...
- Album: WCRS Podcast - djbc
- Genre: Podcast
- Year: 2020
- Length: 59:29 minutes (54.47 MB)
- Format: MP3 Joint stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
Tonight on the show, Twas the Week Before the Unofficial Start to Summer, and all through the house, every creature has still be hunkering down and staying home. And then, the Economy decided to re-open by hook and by crook.
The Weekend Warrior highlights THREE Memorial Day Weekend Events still going on, plus local Farmer's Markets near you (below).
Plus, a salute to the Class of 2020.
Bexley - Capital University Parking Lot (Across from 745 Pleasant Ridge Avenue, Bexley; Thursdays 4-7PM starting May 21; http://www.bexleyfarmersmarket.org)
Canal Winchester - Canal Winchester Historical Society Parking Lot (10 W. Oak St.; Canal Winchester; Saturdays from Noon, starting May 30; http://www.thecwfm.org)
Clintonville - Ohio History Connection Parking Lot (800 E. 17th Ave., Linden; Saturdays 9AM-Noon; Drive-Through Only; http://www.clintonvillefarmersmarket.org)
Delaware - Delaware County Fairgrounds (236 Pennsylvania Ave., Delaware; Saturdays from 9AM-Noon; https://www.mainstreetdelaware.com/event/farmers-market/)
Downtown Columbus/Pearl Market - Pearl Alley & Gay Street (Downtown Columbus; Tuesdays/Fridays from 10:30-1 starting May 22; http://www.pearlmarket.org)
Dublin - Bridge Park (Dublin; Suspended until Further Notice; http://www.thedublinmarket.com)
Franklinton - 400 Square (Rich & Lucas St., Franklinton; Last Sunday of the Month from Noon to 4PM, May-September; http://400square.com)
Gahanna - Veteran's Park (207 W. Johnstown Rd., Gahanna; Sundays from 3-6PM - except June 21; https://www.makegahannayours.com/farmers-market/)
German Village - St. Mary School (700 S. 3rd St., German Village; Saturdays 10AM-Noon; http://www.stmaryschoolgv.org/farmersmarket)
Granville - Granville H.S. Parking Lot (248 New Burg St., Granville; Saturdays from 8:30AM-Noon; http://www.granvillefarmersmarket.com)
Grove City - Park St. & Broadway (Grove City; Saturdays 9AM-Noon; Pre-Order & Drive-Thru Pick Up ONLY; http://www.gcchamber.org)
Groveport (Pending) - Groveport Central (751 Main St., Groveport; Tuesdays from 4-7PM starting June 23; http://www.groveport.org)
Hilliard - Hilliard United Methodist Church (5499 Scioto-Darby Road, Hilliard; Tuesdays 4-6 starting May 26; http://www.hilliardfarmmarket.com)
King-Lincoln Bronzeville - Maroon Arts Group (Thursdays from 4-7PM from July 9-Sept. 24; https://www.facebook.com/2018BGM/)
New Albany - Market Square (Thursdays from 4-6PM starting June 25; https://healthynewalbany.org/farmers-market/)
Newark - Canal Market (36 E. Canal St., Newark; Fridays from 4-7PM; Tuesdays from 4-7 starting in June; http://www.canalmarketdistrict.org)
Powell - (240 N. Liberty St., Powell; Saturdays 9AM-Noon starting May 23; http://www.powellchamber.com)
Reynoldsburg - JFK Park (7232 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg; Thursdays 4-6PM starting June 4; http://www.ci.reynoldsburg.oh.us/departments/parks-and-recreation/farmer...)
Sunbury - Suspended until Further Notice (http://www.sunburybigwalnutchamber.com)
Upper Arlington - Centennial Plaza Parking Lot (2850 Tremont Rd.; Wednesdays 4-7PM starting May 20; https://farmspread.com/market/13116/get-fresh-market-upper-arlington/)
West Columbus/Galloway - Prairie Township Fire Department (123 Inah Ave., Lincoln Village; 10AM-Noon; 3rd Saturday of the Month; http://myfcph.org/chat)
Westerville - City Building (64 E. Walnut St., Westerville; Wednesdays 4-6) and City Hall Parking Lot (21 S. State St., Westerville; Saturdays 9AM-Noon; http://www.marketwednesday.com & http://www.uptownwestervilleinc.com/farmersmarket.html)
Westgate - Westgate A&M Lodge (2925 W. Broad St., Westgate; 1st & 3rd Saturdays from 9AM to Noon; http://www.westgatefarmersmarket.com/ - Location Subject to Change)
Worthington - Worthington Community Center (345 E. Wilson Bridge Rd., Worthington; Saturdays 9AM-Noon, Drive-Thru Only; http://www.worthingtonfarmersmarket.com)
Bexley - Virtual Ceremony at 11AM on May 25 (http://www.bexley.org)
Downtown - Virtual Commemoration (http://www.nationalvmm.org)
Powell - Field of Flags from May 22-25 (Village Green Park; 47 Hall St., Powell; http://www.olentangyrotaryclub.org)
Westerville - Field of Heroes from May 22-25 (Soccer Fields; 325 N. Cleveland Ave., Westerville; http://www.fieldofheroes.org)