MB - "The Football Fever Promo: Free Chase Young"

- Artist: The DJBC Happy Hour
- Title: MB - THE Football Fever Promo: "Free Chase Young"
- Album: # 315 - Little Brothers Week Live from State Route 315 and the Jerry Hammond Memorial Presidential Palace
- Genre: Satire
- Year: 2019
- Length: 2:27 minutes (2.24 MB)
- Format: MP3 Joint stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (VBR)
"The Football Fever Promo: Free Chase Young" - a Cold Open Sketch Parody of the ABC6 "THE Football Fever" Promo, ripping the Chase Young Suspension from THE Ohio State Buckeyes.
From The DJBC Happy Hour, # 315, Unaired on WCRS (released on November 10, re-uploaded on November 12, 2019).