WCRS Podcast - consciousvoices

Conscious Voices 350.org program pt 2

60:01 minutes (54.95 MB)

Bill McKibben on what to do, James Hansen and other scientists on the dangers of Methane release due to Polar ice melt.

Conscious Voices 350.org program pt 1`

59:00 minutes (54.03 MB)

350.org held a gala event in Columbus on Nov 27 to launch a new offensive against global warming and fossil fuel consumption. WCRS was invited to record the entire program for broadcast.

Conscious Voices Black Friday edition

59:01 minutes (108.06 MB)

Conscious Voices Black Friday edition; a history of Thanksgiving from a Native American perspective contrasted with a view of the Palestinian struggle from a Palestinian perspective.

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58:51 minutes (53.87 MB)

Conscious Voices - Oct. 5, 2012. Early Voting Center Campout

57:04 minutes (52.25 MB)

Conscious Voices Dr. Lonnie Thompson on global warming

58:32 minutes (53.59 MB)

Renowned paleoglaciologist Dr. Lonnie Thompson discusses the latest data on global warming and the melting of glaciers and the polar ice caps, and its implications for human and biological survival. This is a recording of a powerpoint [presentation given by Dr. Thompson at the Upper Arlington public library on Sept. 25, 2012, presented by Upper Arlington Progressive Action.

Conscious Voices--Amy Goodman Speaks in Columbus, Part II

57:12 minutes (52.37 MB)

Conscious Voices--Amy Goodman Speaks in Columbus, Part I

54:41 minutes (50.07 MB)

As part of her 100-city book tour (The Silenced Majority), Amy Goodman and co-author Denis Moynihan speak at the First UU Church of Columbus on Sept. 15, 2012. Topics include importance of dissent and protest in today's political environment.

Conscious Voices 8-31-12 - Tom Over outside the RNC in Tampa

53:01 minutes (72.82 MB)

Tent camping in "Romneyville," Tom Over talks with Green Party V.P. candidate Cheri Honkala; her assistant and Hip Hop artist, Shamako Noble; and singer-songwriter activist David Rovics.

Conscious Voices ; Voting Rights in Ohio

59:07 minutes (54.13 MB)

commentary by Evan Davis, interviews with voting rights activists and sound from 2 rallies in Columbus from Monday, August 20 plus Glenn Ford of the Black Agenda Report and thge weekly Coal Report

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