# 374 - The DJBC Happy Hour X: 10 Years, 10 Cheers, 10 Jeers, and More Than 10 Beers (FULL Two-Hour Show)
2:03:09 minutes (112.75 MB)
The DJBC Happy Hour is officially TEN, count them, TEN Years Old on WCRS FM! We celebrate some of the highlights of the show in the first hour. In the second hour, we go through the process of producing the show from home, during COVID.
Seasonal MB - DJBC Happy Hour Fireworks Mix II
7:28 minutes (6.85 MB)
From Show # 49, "Sweet Freedom's Song: Celebrating Our History", originally aired on July 2, 2012.
# 36B: "Columbus: 1812-2012, A Bicentennial Roast" (Part 2 of 2)
58:34 minutes (53.63 MB)
In the conclusion of "Columbus 1812-2012, A Bicentennial Roast", a look on the events that took place during Bicentennial Weekend (February 10-14, 2012) in Columbus. Also discussed, the "Friday Night Massacre", and more Columbus history.
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# 36A: "Columbus: 1812-2012, A Bicentennial Roast" (Part 1 of 2)
58:41 minutes (53.73 MB)
Tonight on the Show, # 36A: "Columbus: 1812-2012, A Bicentennial Roast", originally broadcast on January 30, 2012.
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# 45B - 1976 - A Bicentennial Portrait (Part 2 of 2)
59:37 minutes (54.59 MB)
We continue our journey through 1976 as we celebrate a Bicentennial that is not our own.
SONG LIST (Hour # 2):
"I Write the Songs" - Barry Manilow
"50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" - Paul Simon
"Sir Duke" - Stevie Wonder
"Love of the Common Man" - Todd Rundgren/Utopia
"Show Me the Way" - Peter Frampton
"Muskrat Love" - The Captain and Tennille
"Oh, What A Night" - Frankie Valli
"Night Moves" - Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band
"Saturday Night" - The Bay City Rollers
"Gonna Fly Now" - Bill Conti
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# 45A - 1976 - A Bicentennial Portrait (Part 1 of 2)
59:20 minutes (54.33 MB)
The DJBC Happy Hour continues its Bicentennial Celebrations with a trip back to 1976- Headlines, Television, Pop Culture, Sports, and of course, Columbus in
1976, plus songs from 1976.
(Hour # 1)
"The Rockford Files" Theme - Mike Post
"Kid Charlemagne" - Steely Dan
"Convoy" - C.W. McCall
"If You Leave Me Now" - Chicago
"More, More, More" - Andrea True Connection
"One" - A Chorus Line Cast
Theme from "S.W.A.T" - Rhythm Heritage
"Happy Days" - Pratt & McClain
"Making Our Dreams Comes True" - Cyndi Grecco
"Welcome Back" - John Sebastian
"Lowdown" - Boz Scaggs
"Disco Duck" - Rick Dees
- America Celebrates Its Bicentennial
- A peanut farmer from Georgia, Gov. Jimmy Carter defeats President Ford in the Presidential Election.
- The Concorde took off
- The $ 2 Bill was invented
- The Legionnaires' Outbreak took place in Philadelphia
- The Supreme Court declares the Death Penalty as Constitutional
(Coming Soon)
- A Chorus Line sweeps the Tony Awards.
- The Mary Tyler Moore Show dominates the Emmy Awards.
- Rich Man, Poor Man dominates the TV ratings.
Emmy Awards:
Comedy Series: The Mary Tyler Moore Show (CBS)
Drama Series: Police Story (NBC)
Limited Series: Upstairs, Downstairs (PBS)
Daytime Soap: Another World (NBC)
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Columbus: 1812-2012, A Bicentennial Roast (Part 2 of 2)
58:01 minutes (53.13 MB)
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Columbus: 1812-2012, A Bicentennial Roast (Part 1 of 2)
58:46 minutes (53.81 MB)
Tonight on the Show:
A classic commercial from 1962 asking Columbus residents where the city will be in 2012
The Man on the Street asks people where Columbus will be in 2062
A look back at the history of Columbus, including Columbus's past chronicled in the book "Sorry, Downtown Columbus is Closed" by I. David Cohen.
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