Columbus Free Press
# 352 - Vote or Die I: The Great Cleveland Trainwreck
58:13 minutes (53.3 MB)
Tonight on the Show:
- A Recap of the Disastrous Presidential Debate in Cleveland, a city where trainwrecks are now NOT limited to just their professional sports teams.
- The Weekend Warrior highlights The Big Table, plus the Free Press Second Saturday Salon/50th Anniversary Celebration, and a Virtual Day of Social Justice for a South Side neighborhood.
- The COVID Roundup: Uptown Athens Halloween = CANCELLED; NYE at Times Square = Quasi-VIRTUAL; Trump = POSITIVE for COVID-19
# 312 - The One After The Debate
59:15 minutes (54.25 MB)
Tonight on the show, a recap of the Westerville Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate, and a preview of the Ohio/Wisconsin & Notre Dame/Michigan games, and a speed read of the key Franklin County races this Election.
# 303 - The Continental Congress Airlines Presents The DJBC Happy Hour
58:19 minutes (53.39 MB)
The Other Side of the News May 2, 2016 - Talking about the May Free Press Issue
29:51 minutes (27.33 MB)
Bob Fitrakis and Michael Alwood discuss the new May issue of the Free Press. The talk about the article on how there were emails to Hilary plotting to kill Qaddafi for his gold and oil, about the movements at OSU for Latino students and ReclaimOSU.
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